The Evil Eye “Kako Mati” a History and Understanding


The evil eye is a belief that a particular person may cast a malicious gaze which will cause another person, animal, plant, or other property to become ill, die, suffer grievous harm, or inflict bad luck upon someone toward whom they are either openly or even unknowingly envious towards. The evil eye belief is extremely ancient having been referenced as early as 3000 B.C. with the Sumerians, then on to Babylon, then in 7th Century B.C. Acadian and Assyrian literature, in ancient Greek and Roman writings, and finally in the Hebrew Bible and in more modern Judeo-Christian culture and traditions. The historian and biographer Plutarch, described in his De Iside how the Egyptian goddess of nature Isis killed the son of the Byblos by a mere glance of her eye. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a manual for ancient priests used around 1000 B.C., has numerous instructions for incantations, charms, and amulets to defend against the evil eye. Continue reading

Eating Better to Learn Better


We all need to learn right? Whether you are in school still or you are at work, there is always something new to learn. Your teacher tells you to learn geometry or your boss tells you to learn the operating system the company is using now. We all need to learn and then there’s the old adage “you learn something new every day.” Think about how many days are in a lifetime. If I learned something new every day in my lifetime, and learned it well enough, I would be a pretty darn smart guy. So what do we do to help us learn? Because learning new things isn’t always the easiest. I dare say its sometimes a very hard thing to do. One way to help us learn is quite literally to change our eating habits. Eating a healthy diet has been shown many times to improve focus, concentration, and memory. So here are some quick and simple helpful ideas of what to eat to help you learn new information quicker and easier. Continue reading

STOP Saying You’re Sorry to EVERYTHING!

In my experiences I have come across many a person that seems to apologize for even the slightest thing that goes wrong in a day. This type of individual is usually someone who works for someone else (non-independent type job), is some sort of paid or unpaid intern/extern, or is a student. These types of people tell their significant other, their boss, the cashier at Walgreens, a driver who cut them off, their friend(s), their pets even that they are sorry for the slightest things. YES, if someone does not work out in the ideal way that you had it pictured in your mind, then we have a slight instance of what I call the “oh shit” feeling. Continue reading