The Evil Eye “Kako Mati” a History and Understanding


The evil eye is a belief that a particular person may cast a malicious gaze which will cause another person, animal, plant, or other property to become ill, die, suffer grievous harm, or inflict bad luck upon someone toward whom they are either openly or even unknowingly envious towards. The evil eye belief is extremely ancient having been referenced as early as 3000 B.C. with the Sumerians, then on to Babylon, then in 7th Century B.C. Acadian and Assyrian literature, in ancient Greek and Roman writings, and finally in the Hebrew Bible and in more modern Judeo-Christian culture and traditions. The historian and biographer Plutarch, described in his De Iside how the Egyptian goddess of nature Isis killed the son of the Byblos by a mere glance of her eye. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a manual for ancient priests used around 1000 B.C., has numerous instructions for incantations, charms, and amulets to defend against the evil eye. Continue reading

5 Simple Statements to Help You Through a Bad Day

Football Player I am Worthy

Ever just had a bad day to the point where it seemed like there was nothing you could do to get out of that funk? Of course you have, you are a human. All of us have days like this. It’s only human. It’s part of our existence. It’s part of our lifelong learning. Without some bad days you cannot fully appreciate the good days to the same degree. Continue reading

15 Handy Meditation Tips

Everyone makes it out like meditation should be this mind altering life changing experience every single time you do it. If you are a meditating person then your life must be on the up and up because you are just soooo spiritual and like awesome and like just the best like guru monk dude ever!! Obviously there was a bit of sarcasm there, and probably a certain type of sounding voice as you read that last bit, but just because you meditate or have tried it does not mean that you have a firm grasp on it yet or that it doesn’t get you annoyed at times. Ask anyone who has meditated and if you haven’t had that “Wtf why is my brain still running so fast and why am I still thinking. Oh hell now I am thinking about thinking! Damn this meditation! This sucks!”

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7 Ways to Become More Mindful Without Meditating 


1.) Exercise without music. 

Exercising with headphones is supposed to keep you motivated and positive about your workout correct? While I definitely do not disagree with this, I do think that it takes away from training yourself to be more in the present moment. Nobody disagrees that being mindful and in the present moment helps release stress, reduces anxiety, and also reduces depression, however, many people still struggle to see all the little tiny ways in which we are purposefully not being mindful.

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